Century Gothic Regular Download:   For Mac  •  For PC



Century Gothic Regular Italic Download:   For Mac  •  For PC



Century Gothic Bold Download:   For Mac  •  For PC



Century Gothic Bold Italic Download:   For Mac  •  For PC


Our Typeface

Click on either Mac or PC to download.

Typefaces help express brand personality and perform
specific functions. The consistent use of the same typefaces
and typographic treatments allow our audiences to readily
recognize our school's materials.

Century Gothic regular and bold set a friendly,
contemporary tone for all communications. It also supports
a wide range of applications and is a web safe font.

The font we use in our logo for the words "GO Public Schools"
and the sub-titles "Oakland" or "Advocates" is our logo font that
was custom made. To keep it precious it is not a font that is used
in collateral as a body copy font.