


Download: CMYK COLOR version for Print
Download: PNG COLOR version for Online Use; Transparent Background

Download: Black and White EPS version for Print

LOGO VIEWS IN ALL WHITE (outline is just for reference)

Download: EPS ALL WHITE Vector version for Print
Download: PNG ALL WHITE version for Online Use; Transparent Background

What does our logo symbolize?

The GO Public School "O" symbol holds key messages about our
organization and was carefully crafted to relay these messages:

People Coming Together
Diversity (Shown by "people" in the "O")
Different Walks/ Ages


Which format should I use?

• The CMYK and VECTOR EPS versions are for PRINTING and
resizable eps files for commercial or desktop printing.

•The JPEG versions are RGB and are 72dpi files for web
use, not intended for commercial printing.

• The PNG versions are RGB and have a transparent background.
They are also 72dpi files for web use, not intended for
commercial printing.

• The BLACK & WHITE version is for print only. All online use of the
logo should be in full color.

• The IMPRINT logo is a one color logo with a 50% screen in the
event that an item only has the budget to be imprinted in one
color. If the imprint company can do full color, use the EPS full
color logo.

• The ALL WHITE version is on a transparent background
and is in white only with no hairlines (hairlines here are just to
suggest borders).